8 - 10 day old bread rolls (in England and New Zealand I often used French bread sticks or baguettes)
50g butter
2 eggs
250ml milk
100g Flour
1 medium onion finely chopped (optional)
good handful chopped parsley
Cube the bread and leave in a mixing bowl. I actually leave the bread to dry for a few hours before continuing but that is not essential. Saute the onion until lightly golden ,and add the chopped parsley into the butter onion mix. Turn off heat. Add the onion parsley mix to the bowl with the bread. Beat eggs with milk and salt and our over the bread cubes. Sprinkle the flour over the bread mix as well and mix to combine into a dough like consistency.
At this point I was my hands, ensure that I have a pot of water boiling on the stovetop/hob and then with wet but clean hands split the bread mix into equal portions and roll into balls. drop into boiling water and poach for about 8 minutes.
These are delicious served with traditional roast pork and gravy,or Goulasch or even just on their own fried in a little butter and topped with a fried egg.
50g butter
2 eggs
250ml milk
100g Flour
1 medium onion finely chopped (optional)
good handful chopped parsley
Cube the bread and leave in a mixing bowl. I actually leave the bread to dry for a few hours before continuing but that is not essential. Saute the onion until lightly golden ,and add the chopped parsley into the butter onion mix. Turn off heat. Add the onion parsley mix to the bowl with the bread. Beat eggs with milk and salt and our over the bread cubes. Sprinkle the flour over the bread mix as well and mix to combine into a dough like consistency.
At this point I was my hands, ensure that I have a pot of water boiling on the stovetop/hob and then with wet but clean hands split the bread mix into equal portions and roll into balls. drop into boiling water and poach for about 8 minutes.
These are delicious served with traditional roast pork and gravy,or Goulasch or even just on their own fried in a little butter and topped with a fried egg.